Reflection Page

Week 1 of school 8-20 to 8-23
I was a little nervous about starting the flipped classroom this week.  I wondered how the students would take the new change.  It is a different approach to learning.  Instead of standing in front of the classroom lecturing, I was walking around the classroom working with students in small groups and even one on one.  I was surprised to see how much more time I had to be with the kids.

The second day of school I went through how to take notes in your notebook the WSQ way.  Pulling up my notes from my website and taking notes and then viewing the video and adding to the notes.  I modeled the process the first day for them.  The third day students were on their own that night to actually put the process into play.  This was the results when I collected their WSQ Charts on Friday:

1st hour 7 out of 21 (33%) students completed their notes, summary and question.
2nd hour 15 our of 19 (80%) students completed their notes, summary and question.
6th hour 15 out of 21 (71%) students completed their notes, summary and question.
8th hour 19 out of 19 (100%) students completed their notes, summary and question.

I have to be honest after 1st hour I was wondering if I was really doing the right thing flipping my classroom, with so many students not viewing the video and taking notes.  I was pretty disappointed, but as the day went on the percentages changed to 80%, 71% to 100%.   8th hour nailed it with 100% of students watching and taking notes.  I knew after today that this change is going to take time.  I believe next week my first hour is also going to rock it by completing their notes.  They always say it takes 21 to 30 days to break a habit or even get use to something different.

I also want to add one of the things I truly was worried about was students not having computers at home or internet access.  I took a poll and parent letters came back, only four of my students needed zero hour passes to view in the morning.  I thought that was pretty good.  One of these students I am starting to save my videos on a flash drive, so they can view on their computer at home (no internet access, but have a computer).

Great start to week one!

Week 2 8-26 to 8-30
Today is Monday, 8-26 and I am so excited that many of my students that didn't complete their WSQ notes last Friday, completed them this weekend!  Way to go class!

1st hour 9 more kids completed
2nd hour 2 more kids completed
6th hour 3 more completed

Wednesday, 8-28 I was truly pleased with the WSQ questions that 8th hour put together.  I loved the higher level thinking that was taking place.  Example of one of the questions:  If 0/5 is 0 and 6/0 is undefined what is 0/0?  Is it undefined or zero?  Answer:  0/0=undefined

Week 3 9-2 to 9-6
Students are realizing it is important to complete their WSQ notes for a good grade.  I am seeing gains here in the classroom with students.

Week 4 9-9 to 9-13
It is the end of the 4th week of school.  We post mid-quarter grades next Wednesday.  I believe it takes a good 3 to 4 weeks for the adjustment of a flipped classroom.  Kids know what they have to do now in my room.  I was asked the question...what do you do with the kids that don't watch the videos? These kids are the same kids that don't do their homework each night.  I make a phone call or email home and try to put together a academic plan in order for them to be more successful.  The plan may simply be parents are monitoring more the video (WSQ) piece at home so their son/daughter doesn't lose WSQ points.

I find that since I flipped my classroom, I have more time to work with those students helping them complete their assignment in class.  Also, a phone call or email home to remind parents they need to be doing their video (WSQ) is necessary.  I am also finding the students that hardly took notes in a class lecture actually take better notes now.  They know their notes are being looked at and points are being given for them.

Week 5 9-16 to 9-20
I truly have started to notice my students are becoming independent, resourceful, and collaborative learners.  They are at the center of their own learning and are no longer passive participants.

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