Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Final Project Flipped Classroom

Questions for Final Project:

1.)  Please describe your content area and experience teaching the area (years of experience; education that supports your understanding of the content area).

2.)  Explain in detail what your classroom looks like under a traditional instructional model, and what your classroom looks like under a flipped instructional model.

3.)  Reflect on and document the pros and cons of transitioning into a flipped classroom model.

4.)  Identify the tools necessary for you (or your group) to effectively implement a flipped classroom model in the coming school year.

5.)  Practice your predictor skills; think about this implementation from the perspective of a student, a parent, a colleague (another teacher), an administrator - even a bus driver.  Document anticipated conflicts that might arrise from this implementation, and suggest a "work-around".

6.)  In 15-30 words, describe why you want to flip your classroom; be sure to be student-centered in this response.

7.)  Reflect on this classroom experience (OEDT 5084).  Did you enjoy taking a class in-District?  Would you do so again?  Would you recommend a class to others?  Would you recommend another class topic that we should cover in the future?

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